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Litigation Support & Asset Recovery Services

Whether via full-on jury trial or binding arbitration, once a conflict rises to the level of legal intervention, the stakes are incredibly high. As the discovery process unfolds, the cost of an overlooked witness or a missed piece of key evidence could mean the difference between victory and bankruptcy. 

Whether via full-on jury trial or binding arbitration, once a conflict rises to the level of legal intervention, the stakes are incredibly high. As the discovery process unfolds, the cost of an overlooked witness or a missed piece of key evidence could mean the difference between victory and bankruptcy.

iMask global operations and the world are well-suited to deliver accurate and timely litigation support with specialty services that include asset location and recovery, witness location, skilled witness interviewing and pre-trial preparation, fact finding, and evidence collection and analysis.

Witness Location and Interviewing

iMask Intelligence operatives have extensive experience working for federal law enforcement and intelligence agencies, both in the U.S. and abroad. They draw on that expertise to quickly and efficiently locate and interview key witnesses, generating actionable testimony in support of iMask clients’ interests.

Asset Location & Recovery

Uncovering the truth about a subject or organization’s true assets and liabilities is notoriously difficult, as digital currencies, complex financial instruments, and shell corporations have made it easier than ever to hide money. Asset discovery is made even more difficult and complex by widely varying laws and banking practices across different countries and continents.

The iMask Intelligence global team of collaborators are adept and navigating local and regional nuances when deployed in search of a target entity’s true assets. Accurate asset discovery is critical in uncovering suspected fraud, embezzlement, and other misconduct.

To ensure accurate discovery and make asset recovery possible, iMask Litigation Support consulting experts skillfully navigate digital public databases and combine that information with insights gleaned from in-person surveillance, painting a more complete picture of a target’s net worth.